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Extra SISU

In sports, training, injuries or pain management, sometimes we do too much, or push that little bit too hard, and sometimes just need that little bit extra strength to help get through the tough times.

When our bodies are in a deficiency state and needing more, it is critical to get additional nutrients to appropriately refuel and re-hydrate the body, promote muscle repair and growth, and boost adaptation from the training session.

Have you heard about the benefits that Natural Oils can have on the Mind & Body?

Energy Boost

Pain Relief

Inflammation Relief

Boost Immune System

Improved Breathing

Emotion Regulation

(including help with stress,

anxiety, relaxation and sleep)

Click below to find out more about essential oils and how they can be used


Do you need some extra nutritional support?

Research has shown that serious injury or trauma can change the balance and make-up of our gut bacteria within 72 hours of the incident*

Poor gut health usually goes hand in hand with:

  • Excess weight gain that is impossible to lose

  • Allergies and inflammation that throws the digestive system off-kilter

  • Persistent depression, exhaustion, hormonal imbalance, and adrenal fatigue

  • A weakened immune system that’s unable to recuperate

  • Bacteria and infections throughout your body

  • Loose stools, constipation or stomach upset

  • Autoimmune issues, Fibromyalgia, CFS, MS, ME, LUPUS… the list goes on

If you have any of the above symptoms then have a chat with Trish Tucker-May; nutritionist of the year & gut specialist, to help take your poor gut health to gut-health rich in a matter of weeks.

Click below to book your free discovery call to learn more

*Research: Characterizing the gut microbiome in trauma: significant changes in microbial diversity occur early after severe injury doi 10.1136/tsaco-2017-000108
Journal: Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open

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